24 and counting…

“The more I fall in love with Jesus, the more I realize how good He is and all He has done for me.” “God gave us the gift of life; it is up to us to give ourselves the gist of living well.”

Saw that quote above as a tweet and I have no hesitation to post it here. It’s so coming from deep within. Like I’m the one who said it. A day before my birthday, 23rd of September, it’s raining hard, thought I won’t be able to go to work, but hell yeah, I was able to. Woke up soooo early, even if it’s too hard to leave my bed. *sigh* Well, what can I do? I’m motivated. I’m awake, alert, but not really enthusiastic. Lol. Imagine how hard it is not to wear proper clothes or shoes. :/ So yeah, came to office as early as I can, I remember around 9AM and was able to meet the newly graduates of Wave 70 and 72! It’s always on a Monday when there’s a wave who is graduating from training. AT&T is not an easy account, it’s not hard, but it’s challenging. It’s up to you if you’re a fast or slow learner. You should strive better. And finishing this one step is a blessing and that is something to be proud of. 🙂


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